Comeback and things I forgot to mention before..

2 september 2015 - Hong Kong Int Airport, China

Hi everybody!

The past month has been so crazy that I haven’t been able to write. My first concept was already ready a month ago! So sorry, hopefully this story can make up for it.

To keep it a bit chronologic I will start with things I forgot to tell. Such as me driving things in the game reserve: mountain bike, tractor and the safari car (Land Rover).  They were all pretty cool to experience. Don’t worry I was never alone ;)

Although it was winter over there I still found some nice insects, like big spiders (not dangerous) and cockroaches. Not very pleasant but also not un-survivable.

I also never mentioned that sending international postcards is even cheaper than sending a card within the Netherlands. Its less than 60 euro cents, to everywhere you want (don’t worry if you never received one XD).

So then my two weeks of traveling started, I had it all planned. I booked and planned all my day ahead. A big mistake I would later discover. As soon as you start you meet people, people who are travelling the same direction or the opposite. The ones that are going opposite have all the important information, because they have already experienced placed. So this is why I changed my whole plan and stayed at different places or skipped places. This decision was the best one I could ever have taken. I’m so thankful that I was able to meet all the amazing people I met. I had such a good time, it was a shame it was only for two weeks.

I had an amazing horse ride in the Drakensbergen for four hours. Saw the most amazing views, the bushman paintings in the caves and even run with the horse. Which I hadn’t done in a long time but is was incredibly.

 I tried surfing in Coffee bay a few times and it was awesome, so hopefully I get the chance to continue learning in Sydney, already looking forward to that. I also had the opportunity to get a ride in the back of a police car in South Africa. The story: a friend and me wanted to go hang out in another place. It was already dark and we had to cross the river. Both of our phones were in the charger so we didn’t have torches. We checked out the river and decided to first try to find another way to go there, this was not doable without a torch so we went back to the river. The water was ankle high so we thought lets do it. We were standing in the middle of the river when suddenly my slipper was almost sucked in the sea (the sea comes into this river by waves). A few seconds after that a waist high wave came out of the bleu and hit us. So we were soaking wet, we still wanted to go. After dropping by at the reception somebody came to guide us the way over the road. We only walked for one minute when our guide started talking to the policemen. And a few seconds we were in the back of the car (where the criminals normally sit) ad being dropped off by the police. It was a weird but at the same time interesting and unexpected experience.

In coffee bay I also did a few nice hikes in the nature, even jumped in a river from 8 meters. It was so unbelievably beautiful there.

I went to do a wine tour in Cape Town one day and while we were on the tour I needed cash to pay for the tour. But then the machine swallowed my card. I had so much luck cause I was leaving the next day and it was weekend. But when we went to the banks office with the whole tour bus they called and people were going to the exact ATM my card was swallowed by. We didn’t have time to wait so we went on our first wine tasting. They called the tour guide and we went to collect it in between tastings. It was stress full for some moments but luckily it got solved before I went home.

The two weeks at home were totally crazy, I had appointments had to learn for my French oral exam and I had to prepare myself for my next trip. Luckily I passed the test and have a certificate of completing all my points or the first year Hotel management. But still it was exhausting and stress full. It was also very nice to see everybody again!

On my way to Hong Kong I was sitting next to a lovely Chinese lady, it was a shame she hardly spoke any English. My day in Hong Kong was in one word wet. It was raining all the time, but although all the rain and the clouds I still enjoyed it, the interesting thing is to see all those high buildings in between all the mountains and nature. If you take a good look you still see the shapes of an island. Hong Kong also has some very nice beaches; unfortunately I didn’t get to try them, although the temperature was nice enough (33 degrees).

I’m almost in the plane to Sydney, so hopefully I will find some time soon to write about my arrival in Sydney!

Take care everybody!



2 Reacties

  1. Doortje:
    2 september 2015
    Hoi Lara,
    Ik heb je geen gedag gezegd, maar ik begrijp dat je al een groot deel van de reis erop hebt zitten. Fijn om je thuis gezien te hebben en dat je je Frans gehaald hebt. Wat leuk om nog wat van je vorige reis te lezen. Je hebt het er goed afgebracht. Wat een geluk dat het gedoe met het bankpasje op het laatst was.
    Ik wacht je volgende verhaal weer af. En de foto's natuurlijk. Ik hoop dat je goed met je oppas kinderen overweg kunt. Dat gaat vast lukken. A new experience..........
    X Doortje
  2. Wilma Pichel:
    3 september 2015
    Dat wordt volgend jaar een fotodag organiseren want ik heb de foto,s uit Africa nog niet allemaal gezien en daar komen nu een hele boel nieuwe bij. Ik hoop dat je alweer een beetje bij geslapen bent alhoewel gezien het tijdverschil is het nu alweer bedtijd voor je.welterusten! X