Arriving at Tshepo ya Bana ;)

9 juni 2015 - Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika

Hello everybody!

I already arrived safely at the orphanage, I will tell you about that later. 

First I will tell about last saturday, I went on the hop on hop off bus in Johannesburg with Maartje. We took the train from the airport, it's called the Gautrain and is a really good option if you don't have a car and still want to go somewhere ;) 

We went to see Maboneng, which is a part of the city with an art scene and all kind of nice little places to drink and eat. It almost was like a different country, it was so different. They had galleries and really cool places to eat, I will try to post some pictures later on, although my Iphoto is refusing to work....

We also tasted beers at World of beer, this was fun too. 

First we planned on doing something on sunday but it didn't work out.

So I was able to go to Tshepo ya bana a day earlier, I arrived  sunday just before dinner. 

I joined them for dinner and could already have a bit of an idea how everything works here. Some of the children remembered me a bit, from my visit in April. 

The next day (monday) I started my day early (6:15). I helped uit with a lot of things, I try to learn everything quickly, sometimes I will have to check things an extra time, but it hasn't been that hard yet. But I will still have to get to know a few routines. During the day it's not that chaotic because some kids are at school. Work ends at 7 o clock and I have two big  breaks during the day. 

The weather here is better than in Jo'burg. During the night its almost freezing but during the day it is around 22 degrees. The sun is shining the whole day. I'm sitting outside in the sun right now, wearing a short and a top. So really sunny and nice weather during the day. 

I was a bit worried about the weather because it was 13 degrees when I arrived...

Today every thing goes already a bit better, I know a bit more. 

The main thing which is difficult in the beginning is getting to know the children. You will have to figure out the best way to work with them and off course they will have to get to know you too. It's hard to find the best way to approach to each child. There aren't many children but still they are all very different. It will be a challenge to try and work everything out with them, which I really like. 

I haven't seen any animals around the fence yet, but I most certainly will. I will keep you updated! 

I hope I will have something to write about soon!


4 Reacties

  1. Wilma Pichel:
    9 juni 2015
    Nou dat is wel fijn die temperatuur. Dat geeft ook weer energie en die heb je wel nodig met zoveel kinderen. Ik begrijp dat het vermoeiend is om hen en hun gewoontes te leren kennen. Hoeveel kinderen wonen daar?
    Wel een lange dag zo,dat zal wel wennen zijn.
    Groetjes van wilma
  2. Leon:
    9 juni 2015
    Hallo Lara, wat een leuke verslagen ! Zeker als er zelfs foto's bij komen. Keep up the good stuff!
  3. Doortje:
    9 juni 2015
    Hoi Lara,
    Mooie foto's en zo te lezen heb je al heel wat indrukken opgedaan. Leuk dat je dit vooraf met Maartje nog heb kunnen doen. het idee van zo'n grote mok warme chocolademelk staat wel ver van mij af. Maar ja, bij jullie is het winter. Zo te zien gaat dat wel lukken met jou en de kindjes.
    Ik wens je veel succes en wacht op je volgende verhalen.
    X Doortje
  4. Nel van Duren:
    9 juni 2015
    Hoi Lara,
    Oh wat fijn dat je geariveerd bent in TyB Ik herinner nu ik jouw verhaal lees ook mijn eerste dagen daar , al die moeilijke namen onthouden, maar na een poosje gaat dat beter en heb je alles door. Mooi om de snoetjes van de kinderen weer te zien alleen nu met mutsen op ! Ik ga je verhalen met veel plezier volgen . Succes gr Nel